AI Goes to Washington - What You Need to Know About the New Executive Order

Earlier this week, President Biden released an Executive Order all about safety and privacy regarding Artificial Intelligence. This is HUGE!! Privacy is a real concern with AI, but what will the Executive Order mean for small business owners and entrepreneurs?

The Executive Order addresses the use of deep fakes, because we all know AI is creating plenty of content that isn’t real. So to counter that, a part of the Executive Order brought up the need for business owners and AI users to disclose or use a watermark when using AI. Is this really needed? And how will our customers react? Will they be annoyed by the fact that we got “help” writing content? The EO is full of good intention but not a lot of clarity yet as to what we have to do. I’m sure there is more to come on this!

Connie Jones – When YOU are the problem in the business…how to get unstuck

Also on this episode:

  • Getting Started / Business Strategy – How do I start a small business? It’s the #1 question asked in the small business community and Pat is sharing two things he would tell you to get your business off the ground.
  • Control / Positive Energy – What to do when bad things happen to good small businesses. Krista Morrissy, Chief Growth Officer with Choices Coaching & Consulting is here to tell us one way we can get past the bad stuff that happens and keep moving forward.
  • Getting Unstuck / Problem Solving – It’s not them, it’s YOU! Business Growth Strategist, Connie Jones is laying it all out there! Sometimes we are the problem and Connie shares tips to get unstuck in your business get out of your own way.
The Idea Collective

Tired of working on your small business all by yourself? Wish you could have allies and partners willing to answer your questions, pick you up when you’re struggling and celebrate when you’re winning? Check out the international small business community that is working together to beat the odds and achieve their small business goals: The Idea Collective Small Business Incubator.

Be our Guest

And, we’d love to have you on the Pat Miller Show. Use the booking link below.

The Idea collective Conference

The event of the year is happening in November. Come get away, get inspired, and grow your business! GET YOUR TICKET!

Episode Mentions

Bankable Events

Design a highly profitable, community building, brand boosting event for your small business with Bankable Events – even with no experience! Bankable events offers proven strategies for designing events that drive revenue. 

Sidekick Accounting

Sidekick Accounting is your trusted companion as you grow your small business that effortlessly handles the finances. Now an official Profit First Provider!

Athena Legal Solutions

Small business legal doesn’t have to be complicated. Say hello to peace of mind. Athena Legal Solutions is your personal business lawyer from start up to legacy creation.

Choices Coaching & Consulting

Krista Morrissey and Choices Coaching & Consulting build leaders in your small business so you can grow faster.